Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I won my first blog award!! Woo-hoo!! I am so excited!! Last week I was awarded this from Rachel from Thoughts from a Complusive Reader.  Come and check out her excellent blog here.  Rachel is a undergraduate student of English and Modern History at the University of St. Andrews.  In her spare time, which I'm not sure how much that could be while in school, she reads. She loves to read Christian fiction, in particular Amish and Historical romances.  Thank you Rachel for this great honor!!

The Liebster Award is given by fellow bloggers to blogs with fewer than 200 (or sometimes 300) followers. For those of you who don't speak German (the only German I know is what I hear my brother-in-law yelling at his police dog), "liebster" means "darling". I love that word!!

Here's how the award works:

  • When you receive the award, thank the blogger who gave it to you and link back to them.
  • Copy and paste the award on your blog.
  • Choose three to five blogs that deserve a bigger following, give them the Liebster Award, and let them know you’ve done so by leaving a comment on their blog.
I have deicided to award bloggers that have less than 100 followers like myself.  There are so many great blogs out there and it is really hard to choose but I went with three I felt were great blogs and reliable sources.  Because I like to read books that are not all Christian Fiction but also Young Adult, I have included both genres.

Best Reads (2010-2011) - Kav is a Library Techinician that lives in Canada and loves to read!  She started her blog so that she could keep track of all the books she's read and point out her favorites!  She has lots of book reviews on her blog plus she does lots of giveaways! She has her books labeled by author and it is all listed on the side, which makes it really easy to find a review on a book you're interested in.

Through the Fog by Margaret Metz is really great blog!! We have very similar tastes in books and I can always count on her reviews to show me whether or not I'll be interested in that book! She usually writes a summary about the book and then her take on how it was.  I believe she is also starting to write her own book on fibromyalgia, which she suffers from and talks about on her blog!! Great blog!

The Book Diva is another blog that I love and that I relate to.  She is a stay at home mom that loves to read and started a blog to review about books!  She loves romance books of all genres - which is me in a nutshell.  I also feel in order for me to enjoy a book it almost always has to have some sort of romance going on! Besides writing reviews and doing giveaways she also writes really fun posts like her series Dirty Little Secrets.  Fun blog!!

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